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H0144 - Restaurant in Medieval village 

Restaurant in Medieval village

Venue Details

Restaurant in Medieval village is a romantic wedding venue in Tuscany. This Hotel is perfect to plan your wedding in Italy and host a romantic wedding reception in Pisa, Tuscany.

Type: Hotel

Region: Tuscany

Province: Pisa

City: San Miniato

Venue Features

Smallest hall for: 60

Largest hall max: 120

Venue capacity: 170

Accommodation: Yes

Onsite catering: Yes

Price per person :

  • INFO

About us ..

Enjoy the intact atmosphere of Italian middle ages at our Hotel, set right under the Tower of Frederick in the ancient square of the castle, facing the Duomo Cathedral.

What service does your venue provide ?

Wedding Reception and Accommodation

Do you allow outside catering ?


Starting price

What does the starting price includes ?

Wedding Meal

Features and seated meal capacity of inside rooms

The Reception Hall for 120 seated guests and a another salon for 100 people.

How many guests does your venue can accommodate overnight ?

The Hotel has 21 double rooms.

Does your venue allow to use only one space for the wedding reception or it's required the exclusive use ?

At no additional cost, you can use all the rooms necessary for the wedding reception. It is not required to rent the bedrooms.

Do you offer parking ?
