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R0958 - Restaurant for weddings with stunning view 

Restaurant for weddings with stunning view

Venue Details

Restaurant for weddings with stunning view is a romantic wedding venue in Latium. This Restaurant is perfect to plan your wedding in Italy and host a romantic wedding reception in Rome, Latium.

Type: Restaurant

Region: Latium

Province: Rome

City: Rome

Venue Features

Smallest hall for: 80

Largest hall max: 200

Outside space: 200

Venue capacity: 200

Accommodation: Yes

Onsite catering: Yes

Price per person :

Distance airport:

  • INFO

About us ..

This leading restaurant of terrific beauty and incredible view, is located on the top floor of a magnificent 4 star hotel in the heart of Rome. If you have never seen the San Pietro Dome so close, you'll feel bewitched from its beauty and magnitude. A perfect choice to organize gala dinners and elegant wedding receptions truly unique.

What service does your venue provide ?

Wedding Reception and Accommodation

Do you allow outside catering ?

Yes, but it must be agreed.

Starting price

What does the starting price includes ?

Price per person for a basic menu.

Details of outdoor wedding venue

Rooftop terrace adorned with the most varied species of plants, flowers and aromatic herbs typical of the Mediterranean flora and with a unique 360 degrees view over Rome.

Features and seated meal capacity of inside rooms

Dining room with panoramic view over Rome.

How many guests does your venue can accommodate overnight ?

15 elegant Suite and 70 rooms equipped with all comfort.

Does your venue allow to use only one space for the wedding reception or it's required the exclusive use ?

You can rent in exclusive use the banquet hall and also organize the wedding reception with an outside catering.

What restriction ( if any ) on music ?

Yes, to be agreed, anyway until 12:00 pm.

Do you offer parking ?

Yes, parking available for 15 cars.

Additional details

Free transfer from Fiumicino Airport.

Distance from airport

18 km from Ciampino G.B. Pastine". 34 km from Fiumicino "Leonardo da Vinci".