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H0883 - Nice Hotel in the countryside 

Nice Hotel in the countryside

Venue Details

Nice Hotel in the countryside is a romantic wedding venue in Abruzzo. This Hotel is perfect to plan your wedding in Italy and host a romantic wedding reception in L'aquila, Abruzzo.

Type: Hotel

Region: Abruzzo

Province: L'aquila

City: Sulmona

Venue Features

Smallest hall for: 60

Largest hall max: 250

Outside space: 300

Venue capacity: 300

Accommodation: Yes

Sleeps up to: 50

Onsite catering: Yes

Price per person :

Distance airport:

  • INFO

About us ..

This refined hotel is located just steps from a picturesque medieval village in the heart of the beautiful countryside of Abruzzo. Situated between the sea and the mountains, not far from the famous Sulmona and the Majella National Park, the hotel, with its magnificent reception room and the wonderful garden fitted for wedding receptions, is a perfect venue to organize an elegant countryside wedding.

What service does your venue provide ?

Ceremony, Wedding Reception and Accommodation

What type of Ceremony can take place in the venue ?

Blessing and symbolic ceremonies

Do you allow outside catering ?


Starting price

What does the starting price includes ?

Price per person per standard meat menu.

Features and seated meal capacity of inside rooms

Indoor dining room with a capacity from 60 up to 250 people.

Details of outdoor wedding venue

Large outdoor area to arrange with marquee, special furniture, wide green areas.

Nearest places of worship and Town Halls

We suggest to celebrate civil weddings inside the Medieval Castle of Roccacasale, about 2km far from the Hotel. We can organize private transfers.

How many guests does your venue can accommodate overnight ?

The location has 23 rooms of which 2 Junior Suites and 2 Suites for a total of 50 beds. We can suggest nearby hotel if you need more capacity.

Does your venue allow to use only one space for the wedding reception or it's required the exclusive use ?

It is possible to rent just one single location.

What is the policy about the exclusivity rental, are there site fees?

We have to check each time; as a general rule we don't ask any Fee.

What restriction ( if any ) on music ?

After midnight has to turn down the music. If rooms are booked from people of the event there is no restriction.

Do you offer parking ?

We have an indoor parking.

Additional details

We can organize your wedding in every detail to make it "magic" and unforgettable.

Booking policy and procedures

We ask a deposit of 30% at booking time; another deposit of 40% a month before the event; balance a day before the event.

Distance from airport

60km from Pescara "Aeroporto Internazionale d'Abruzzo ".