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M0524 - Dj Party 

 Dj Party

Venue Details

Dj Party is a romantic wedding venue in Tuscany. This Music is perfect to plan your wedding in Italy and host a romantic wedding reception in Florence, Tuscany.

Type: Music

Region: Tuscany

Province: Florence

City: Florence

Venue Features

Active since: 2005

Services offered: Dj service for private party and weddings.

Price range:

Price included: Full Package for 5 hours of music.

  • INFO

About us ...

Dj of wide knowledge in the field of music. Always choose the right song, from apertif to after dinner.

Starting Price

What includes the price?

- Professional dj mixer, with cd and vinyl and arrangement for other kind of audio. - Microphones. - PA system with 1500 watt and subwoofer. - 2nd PA system with 400 watt for aperitif / dinner. - Dancing lighiting with strobe and multicolor effect. - Transport, assembling and disassembly during the lenght of day and the party.

More services offered

Full Package: - Professional dj mixer, with cd and vinyl and arrangement for other kind of audio. - Microphones. - PA system with 1500 watt and subwoofer. - 2nd PA system with 400 watt for aperitif / dinner - Dancing lighiting with strobe and multicolor effect. - transport, assembling and disassembly during the lenght of day and the party Super Package - Professional dj mixer, with cd and vinyl and arrangement for other kind of audio - Professional dj mixer, with cd and vinyl and arrangement for other kind of audio - microphones - PA system with 2000 watt and subwoofers - 2nd PA system with 400 watt for aperitif / dinner. - Dancing lighiting with strobe and multicolor effect. - Mirror ball of 80's. - Soap bubble machine. -Fog machine and laser. - Led light UV (to show-up white colour). - Transport, assembling and disassembly during the lenght of day and the party.

Services available on request and not included in the price

- Double party price (ex. wedding lunch and dinner until 0.00) + 50% of the package price. - Party in Tuscany Province doesn't show in the list + Euro 100. - Party in the following region: Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Lazio, Umbria + Euro 200. - Party in other Region or Nation: on demand. - After 0.00 (in case of dinner) or after 5 p.m. (in case of lunch) overprice of Euro 100.