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V0968 - Palace Hotel for weddings 

Palace Hotel for weddings

Venue Details

Palace Hotel for weddings is a romantic wedding venue in Veneto. This Villa & Palace is perfect to plan your wedding in Italy and host a romantic wedding reception in Venice, Veneto.

Type: Villa & Palace

Region: Veneto

Province: Venice

City: Venice

Venue Features

Smallest hall for: 20

Largest hall max: 50

Outside space: 50

Venue capacity: 50

Venue fee:

Accommodation: Yes

Sleeps up to: 40

Onsite catering: No

Distance airport:

  • INFO

About us ..

Historic dwelling Hotel in the heart of Venice with private garden. The charming venue is ideal for small weddings.

What service does your venue provide ?

Ceremony, Wedding Reception and Accommodation

What type of Ceremony can take place in the venue ?

Blessing and symbolic ceremonies

Do you allow outside catering ?

Yes, but it must be agreed.

Starting price

What does the starting price includes ?

Spaces for symbolic weddings for a small group.

Features and seated meal capacity of inside rooms

The Palace feauters a lobby and noble floor for ceremonies up to 50 persons.

Details of outdoor wedding venue

Internal private garden for cocktails or wedding reception up to 50 guests.

How many guests does your venue can accommodate overnight ?

The Hotel can accomodate up to 40 persons.

Does your venue allow to use only one space for the wedding reception or it's required the exclusive use ?

The garden can be rented by itself. Events must finish at 11 PM. The whole Palazzo must be rented for weddings celebrated inside. For short symbolic weddings with a small group, spaces can be individually rented.

What is the policy about the exclusivity rental, are there site fees?

The price for events with dinner start from 490 euro plus taxes.

What restriction ( if any ) on music ?

Music for events in the garden must be stopped at 11 PM, as long as the event. For music played inside no particular restrictions are applied.

Do you offer parking ?

No parking.

Additional details

The Hotel provides only the spaces. Catering, musicians and any other requests must be taken care by the customer.

Distance from airport

20km from Venezia “Marco Polo". 40km from Treviso.