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H1550 - Hotel for weddings in Calabria 

Hotel for weddings in Calabria

Venue Details

Hotel for weddings in Calabria is a romantic wedding venue in Calabria. This Hotel is perfect to plan your wedding in Italy and host a romantic wedding reception in Cosenza, Calabria.

Type: Hotel

Region: Calabria

Province: Cosenza

City: Amantea

Venue Features

Smallest hall for: 40

Largest hall max: 100

Outside space: 100

Venue capacity: 100

Civil marriage: Yes

Sleeps up to: 76

Accommodation: Yes

Onsite catering: Yes

Distance airport:

  • INFO

About us ..

Modern Hotel overlooking the sea with private beach. Wonderful spaces and comforts will make unforgettable your event.

What service does your venue provide ?

Ceremony, Wedding Reception and Accommodation

What type of Ceremony can take place in the venue ?

Civil Ceremony and non-Catholic religious wedding

Do you allow outside catering ?


Details of outdoor wedding venue

Pool area with garden and private beach.

Features and seated meal capacity of inside rooms

Interior hall of the restaurant.

It can get married within the venue ?

It's possible to celebrate civil and symbolic ceremony.

How many guests does your venue can accommodate overnight ?

The hotel ha 38 bedrooms for 76 people.

What restriction ( if any ) on music ?

The event ends at 1:00 am in case of dinner.

Do you offer parking ?

There is a parking inside.

Distance from airport

30km from Lamezia Terme Airport; 120km from Crotone Airport.

Entire Villa renting

Renting in exclusive the entire Villa we will offer for free any location to organize the reception.