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H0335 - Charming monastery in Pisa 

Charming monastery in Pisa

Venue Details

Charming monastery in Pisa is a romantic wedding venue in Tuscany. This Hotel is perfect to plan your wedding in Italy and host a romantic wedding reception in Pisa, Tuscany.

Type: Hotel

Region: Tuscany

Province: Pisa

City: Pisa

Venue Features

Smallest hall for: 30

Largest hall max: 100

Venue capacity: 100

Venue fee:

Accommodation: Yes

Onsite catering: No

  • INFO

About us ..

The Hotel, a former monastery of the 1500s with a nice garden and a large cloister, is located in an exclusive district just 5 minutes walking distance from the center of Pisa.

What service does your venue provide ?

Wedding Reception and Accommodation

Do you allow outside catering ?

Yes, but it must be agreed.

Starting price

What does the starting price includes ?

Exclusive use of the location for wedding: courtyard, main hall and all the adjoining rooms.

Features and seated meal capacity of inside rooms

The hotel has 8 reception rooms of different sizes, but all are overlooking the majestic churchyard. The main reception hall can hold up to 100 persons. The other rooms can host up to 30/35 persons each.

Details of outdoor wedding venue

Small garden in the courtyard.

It can get married within the venue ?


How many guests does your venue can accommodate overnight ?

The Hotel has 70 bedrooms.

Does your venue allow to use only one space for the wedding reception or it's required the exclusive use ?

Yes, each dining room can be rented singly.

What is the policy about the exclusivity rental, are there site fees?

The cost depends of the rooms needed for the wedding reception.

What restriction ( if any ) on music ?

Music has to end at midnight.

Do you offer parking ?


Distance from airport

5km from Pisa “Galileo Galilei”. 90km from Florence “Amerigo Vespucci”.